Docker for Dummies - The Complete Absolute Beginners Guide

Learn about Docker and Containers in a step by step approach

  • (5.0) 0 eingeschriebene Studenten


At the beginning of the internet and server technology, there was the bare metal server. It was a single computer which hosted a single operating system and on top of that a single web server application.

The quest for better use of hardware lead to another innovation called the virtualization. It enabled a single bare metal server computer to host multiple guest operating systems which works like separate computers. The technology itself was superb, but the resource and memory usage was high.

In want of more refinement and efficient use of resources, recently came the containerization technology in which a single operating system is divided into multiple containers with very little size and they share the common kernel of the host operating system itself.

The first session is essentially a theory session. We will discuss the basics of docker containerization, monolith and microservices and the transition that lead to containerization and its future

Later we will see how we can install docker in various platforms. At first Docker Desktop in windows 10 pro and later the Docker Toolbox in Windows Home edition

Then we will proceed with the steps to download and install the docker desktop in mac computers.

And finally, we will see how we can install the actual docker, the docker community edition in Ubuntu Linux. Don't worry if you are not having a Linux computer with you. We will also be covering how we can install VirtualBox and on top of that install Ubuntu Linux so that you may use your windows or Mac computer itself.

Then we will proceed with the basics of docker. The difference between docker images and containers. Searching and pulling an image from the hub and dealing with the downloaded images.

Later we will run the images we downloaded using the run command and its various options. Containers will be created while we run the images.

And also we will see a recap of the commands already learned and also alternates to the commands we learned. We will also see how we can get more details about the running docker container, manage it, stop and gracefully terminate it if needed. Also, we will discuss the various options and use case scenarios for docker run and docker start commands

We will then deal with how to create a docker file. IT contains instructions about the customs procedure of creating a docker container we want so that we don't have to repeat the commands while we deal with the creation of new containers. We will also create a few sample containers using docker file.

Later we will see yet another important tool called as the docker-compose tool. This is a very handy option in case we want to deal with a multi-container application. A single YAML file will take care of all the containers and their configurations that are required by every service in the application.

As a project, we will be creating a sample web application with two microservices. One in python and one in PHP. We will see how we can sync these together using the docker-compose and get the result.

So overall this is a perfect course for a beginner who wants to get his feet wet with containerization technology using docker. Almost all technology companies are moving towards containerization from their existing virtualization infrastructure. So learning this will take you far ahead of others in the race for learning the latest technology

We will also be providing you with a course completion certificate so that you can add it later to your portfolio.

Was sind die Anforderungen?

  • Computer with virtualization enabled is required

Was bekomme ich von diesem Kurs?

  • Docker and Containers for Beginners. Simple, step by step approach

Was ist das Zielpublikum?

  • Beginner or professional who wants to build knowledge in docker

Über den Autor

I  am a pioneering, talented and security-oriented Android/iOS Mobile and PHP/Python Web Developer Application Developer offering more than eight years’ overall IT experience which involves designing, implementing, integrating, testing and supporting impact-full web and mobile applications. I am a Post Graduate Masters Degree holder in Computer Science and Engineering. My experience with PHP/Python Programming is an added advantage for server based Android and iOS Client Applications. I am currently serving full time as a Senior Solution Architect managing my client's projects from start to finish to ensure high quality, innovative and functional design.


Course Introduction and Table of Contents
1 Video Lectures | 05:43

  • Course Introduction and Table of Contents

Introduction to Containers
2 Video Lectures | 10:37

  • Introduction to Containers - Part 1
  • Introduction to Containers - Part 2

Installing Docker Desktop in Windows 10 Pro
1 Video Lectures | 07:42

  • Installing Docker Desktop in Windows 10 Pro

Installing Docker Toolbox in Windows 10 Home
1 Video Lectures | 04:45

  • Installing Docker Toolbox in Windows 10 Home

Installing Docker Desktop in Mac
1 Video Lectures | 05:09

  • Installing Docker Desktop in Mac

Installing Docker Community Edition in Ubuntu Linux
5 Video Lectures | 32:58

  • Part 1 - Installing Docker Community Edition in Ubuntu Linux
  • Part 2 - Installing Docker Community Edition in Ubuntu Linux
  • Part 3 - Installing Docker Community Edition in Ubuntu Linux
  • Part 4 - Installing Docker Community Edition in Ubuntu Linux
  • Part 5 - Installing Docker Community Edition in Ubuntu Linux

Docker Image Basics and Commands
2 Video Lectures | 11:59

  • Docker Image Basics - Part 1
  • Docker Image Basics - Part 2

Docker Container Basics and Commands
2 Video Lectures | 10:45

  • Docker Container Basics - Part 1
  • Docker Container Basics - Part 2

Docker Images Recap and Advanced Commands
2 Video Lectures | 13:29

  • Docker Images Recap and Advanced Commands - Part 1
  • Docker Images Recap and Advanced Commands - Part 2

Docker Containers Recap
4 Video Lectures | 24:09

  • Docker Containers Recap
  • Docker Containers Recap
  • Docker Containers Recap
  • Docker Containers Recap

Using Docker File - Basics to Advanced
4 Video Lectures | 25:22

  • Docker File - Basics to Advanced - Part 1
  • Docker File - Basics to Advanced - Part 2
  • Docker File - Basics to Advanced - Part 3
  • Docker File - Basics to Advanced - Part 4

Container Orchestration using Docker Compose
5 Video Lectures | 29:23

  • Container Orchestration using Docker Compose - Part 1
  • Container Orchestration using Docker Compose - Part 2
  • Container Orchestration using Docker Compose - Part 3
  • Container Orchestration using Docker Compose - Part 4
  • Container Orchestration using Docker Compose - Part 5


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