Business Communication Phrases

Business Communication Phrases

  • ( 4.7 ) (3 Reviews) 16 eingeschriebene Studenten


This Course has only power point presentation document covered in the classroom,If you have not attended the classroom session with SkillRary, please do not subscribe to this course.

You will, at some point, be asked to take part in a meeting at your workplace. It is a good idea in business meetings to speak as clearly as possible and to be firm (strong). Remember though, firm does not mean rude or pushy. It can be easy to seem pushy if you don’t add the all-important ?please and ?thank you to your phrases. These polite terms go a long way in business English. Meetings are all about listening and letting people know you understand what is being talked about. Try these phrases and useful tips on how to be a master corporate. Also learn how to greet, respond, and how to talk on a business meeting or participating in a conference call.

Was sind die Anforderungen?

  • Classroom session with Skillrary

Was bekomme ich von diesem Kurs?

  • Students who have already attended classroom session on Business Communication skills with SkillRary.

Was ist das Zielpublikum?

  • Students who have attended the classroom session on business communication skills with Skillrary

Über den Autor

We at SkillRary strive to provide simple yet powerful training or tuition on all domains. This organization has started with a mindset to share the knowledge that the internet or an individual has in a progressive manner. SkillRary is an online training programme, trying to get the best content for all on a very low cost and thereby helping everyone with a digital schooling and online education.  

SkillRary provides computer based training (CBT), distance learning or e-learning, that takes place completely on the internet. The courses involve a variety of multimedia elements, including graphics, audio, video, and web-links which can be accessed to the enrolled clients.

In addition to presenting course materials and content, SkillRary gives the students the opportunity for live interactions and real-time feedback in the form of quizzes and tests. Interactions between the instructor and students are also conducted via chat, e-mail or other web-based communication. Unlike any other, we here also let the students know which module has to be gone through first. All the modules are placed according to the lesson plans so that students will know what to refer first.

SkillRary is self-paced and customizable to suit an individual's specific learning needs. Therefore it can be conducted at any time and place, provided there is a computer or smartphone with high-speed internet access. This makes it very convenient to the users who can modify their training to fit into their day-to-day schedule. All our users will be able to use our eLearning system to its full capacity.


Start Here
1 Document Lectures

  • Introduction
    26 Page


  • Kalpana l
    Thank you
  • Rohit h
    very helpful
  • vinay S
    very nice content